Nothing much has changed. The clovers, which drowned the grass in which Risil and Lisen graze upon, have almost completely diminished, barely visible through the tall grass. Instead, petals of soft purple and pink hues scatter about from blossoms that bloom in the sakura trees, something rather strange, since you normally don't find those in meadows. Still, though, it's quite lovely to see the colors dance in the air after diving from its branch roots, then resting on the ground you walk on for eternity, until a wind comes up and they dance once more, repeating the cycle.
You feel a cool breeze on the back of your neck, and suddenly a blur flies by in a whoosh, landing smoothly on a sakura branch. Blinking, you move closer to get a better look, then blink again when you did. Standing there, delicately stepping around the blossoms is a tiny white unicorn. Teal mane and tail flow from her ivory coat, almost brushing against the branch, and wings matching them flutter softly. The little mare inclines her head at you, blinking her eyes slowly, before whickering, sounding like a sweet bell chime. Afterwards, with a swift graceful leap, the mare jumps off the branch and flutters her wings, flying to wherever she desires, dissappearing.
...Well. That was interesting. You stare at the spot where the mare stood, then shake your head a little before moving on. Interesting was definately the best choice of wording to describe what just happened.
You wander your way through the trail some more, appreciating the scenery and anything else you see as you walk by. After some time passing, you notice a little blue dot nestled against a tree. Curious, you walk faster, the blue dot becoming larger and more defined. A little sakura petal floats down and lands on it, causing it to suddenly sprout a head and spring up. With a gasp, you step back, watching the little blue filly stare at you with wide eyes, back against the tree.

"Eh?! Irithin?!" She quivers a little, long legs barely being able to hold her up straight. "Ues vi zef hu nuck?!" She stutters a little, probably stumbling over her words. Concerned, you take a step forward hoping to soothe the little filly down. Instead, her eyes widen more, and she bolts away, afraid, leaving you by yourself at the end of the trail.
ID: #162
Gender: Female
Glory: Filanasta
Class: Theli
Birth Charity: Tetheran
Parents: Kykava x Turran'entrada
Charity: None
Mate: None
Offspring: None
ID: #07
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Painted Unicorns and Faerie Unicorns are © to Silvanon
Photography used in layout were taken by and are © to Aylura
Layout created by and is © to Me